It’s Been Two Years Coming

“Two years don waka…we still dey carry go *lol*”

Hey hey guys!!! I am back again to bug you……………I’m just kidding. But seriously, I cannot believe that this blog is actually two years old. It turned two today and even I didn’t realize it until WordPress sent me a notification. All I can say is that it’s all been God.

When I first started, I just knew I wanted to write, I didn’t exactly have the commitment, drive and resources that I needed to run a blog but two years after, it’s been an awesome journey. For most of the first year and a half, I was inconsistent and lacking in focus and while I can’t exactly say I have it all right now, I know I’m getting there and I’m just going to enjoy the process.

I love all of you, my followers. I’m very grateful because without your support and encouragement, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I know I’m not where I would have wished but I’m not where I was and that’s enough to keep me going.

Thank you all. Keep believing in me!

-The Grace Ola


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