
He watched his mother take his last breath. In all his life, he had never felt so…empty. The moment it was about to happen, that moment when everything stopped and the universe stood at attention for an act that altered his life forever, he knew.

It wasn’t his fault. He had tried all he could, everything and anything to get the urge to live again all to no avail. Losing all form of feeling in his legs made him a vegetable, literally and what was now his life could not hold a candle to what it was before the freak accident that paralyzed him.

He had thrown an epic party and everyone who was anyone in school was there. After several rounds of beer pong, someone dared him to jump off the roof into the pool below, that was the beginning of his problems. Now all he wanted was a way out.

He woke up every night in a cold sweat after having another dream of the time when his life was normal, his wild adventures and daredevil days. Every time, he realized that it was a dream and cried himself to sleep.

After several failed suicide attempts through drug overdose, he begged his mother who doubled as his doctor to give him a way out by agreeing to perform euthanasia on him but she didn’t see it the way he did. She considered it physician-assisted suicide and it broke her heart that he was even thinking about it.

Two years later, she finally gave in. Telling another doctor to do it would have made it more of a public affair so she finally decided to put him out of his misery. He watched her now as she made the plans, preparing the injection that would mark his end…it would all soon be over.

-The Grace Ola

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(CONTACT ME- IG: @thegraceola, Twitter: @thegraceola, FB: Oyinkansola Ogunyinka, Email:


5 thoughts on “Euthanasia

  1. P.S: Euthanasia (assisted suicide) is illegal in a lot of countries, including Nigeria. This illegal status in Nigeria is not as a result of any special legislation, but as based on existing laws which do not specifically provide for euthanasia and assisted suicide.
    As of March 2018, active human euthanasia is legal in the Netherlands, Belgium, Colombia, Luxembourg, and Canada. Assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, and in the US states of Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Hawaii, Vermont, Montana, Washington, D.C., and California (Wikipedia)

  2. Great. I had to read to d end to understand line 1. Na wah o for literary giants

    Sent from my iPhone


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